Here are some pix of our Memorial Day activities . . . not the typical backyard BBQ, but tons of family fun :)
First, a walk (a very brisk walk to keep up w/my 2 yr old) on the pier . . .
MasonParkerAlex Then a little frolicking in the ocean . . .
Then the Amusement Park . . . RIDES!!! Yay!
"Vrooom!" (notice the "Kung Fu grip" lol) "Flyin' High!"
"I think I'm gonna hurl!"
"All Smiles!"
I talked my 5 yr old into going on the Tilt-a-Whirl with me since it was my favorite ride as a kid . . . Boy, was I sorry! . . . those rides are not at all the same 20 yrs later. We both looked a little green when the ride was over! LOL It was an overcast day, but we were lucky that the rain stayed away. All in all - a great day!Keep Smiling!
Thanks for sharing those adorable pictures. You all looked like you had a fantastic time. See you tomorrow morning at the Midnight Madness post :)